Tuesday, January 26, 2016


When samadhi becomes resolute,the aspirants of sadhyomukti(instant liberation) as well as kramamukti (gradual liberation)take the control of their prana-shakti by the power of yoga,and susbsequently move it upwards with the help of six chakras through the sushumna channel.

Henceforth,the seeker of sadhyomukti stations the prana-shakti at his agyachakra,leaves even his linga sharira i.e.the sutable body(composed of five pranas,the mind and the intellect)and then moves upwards to the brahmrandhra thereby merging in Brahman(supreme consciousness).
Now,in this first technique of attaining Samadhi,as the prana-shakti gets established at the agya-chakra,the biological processes of the body continue to remain functional or may slow down.But,the body remains animate and there is no sign of lifelessness.

However,sometimes,the atma-tattva may not station the prana-shakti at the agayachakra but instead take it in totality along with itself to the brahmrandhra.In this case,since the prana-shakti gets established at the brahmrandhra,the mind (which is the controller and regulator of all sensory faculties)eventually ceases to function.The some Phenomenon has been acknowledged by the renowned scripture Hatha Yoga Pradeepika 

Monday, January 11, 2016


                                          Samadhi Neither a comma,Nor  a Full stop!


The Atman is great,divine and beyond comprehension.It is subtler than the subtlest and effulgent ;and, despite being farther than the farthest,it is situated very close to us.It is seated in the agayachakra or hridayaguha(spiritual heart) of the beholder.

Apart from the atma-tattva,another element that has a significant role to play while undertaking the state of samadhi is a dynamic energy known as prana-shakti or the prana(life force)


The prana says -I sustain the human garb by disintegrating myself into five parts vis-a -vis prana,apana,vyana,udana and samana.These five pranas pulsate through out the body and keep all the biological processes functional.The conglomerated form of these five pranas is called prana-shakti
It is a noteworthy fact that the human mind,which is the regulator of sensory faculties,shares an interwoven connection with the prana-shakti.

Hatha Yoga pradeepika 

Meaning,the cessation of pranic activity ceases the functions of the Mind as well and vice-versa.Also,with either of the two(prana or mind)becoming active,the other also attains an active state.
In the first technique of assuming the state of samadhi,the atma-tattva draws out the prana-shakti from each and every pore of the body and brings it as own seat-the hridayaguha or agyachkra.Thereafter,the atma-tattva trancends upwards from the hridayaguha(agyachakra)and gets established at the brahmrandhra,also called as the sahasrara chakra(crown centre).

For more details buy samadhi book from https://www.djfoundation.co/

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Self-Realiased souls and yogis Samadhi

However,the majority of the self -Realised souls and yogis have expressed their unanimous consensus on the procedure of undertaking Samadhi,which can be classified into two broad categories:

1.A samadhi experienced when the atma-tattva (soul or pure consciousness)accumulates the prana-shakti(life force) from all part of the body at the hridayaguha or agyachakra (medulla centre between the eyebrows,on the forehead) and itself ascends to get satationed at the brahmrandhra(crown centre on the top of the head).

2. A samadhi experienced when the atma-tattva (soul or pure consciousness) accumulates the prana-shakti (life force) from all parts of the body at the brahmrandhra (crown centre on the top of the head) and then along with the prana-shakti transcends its way out of the brahmrandhra into the outer cosmic space

The gamut of the aforementioned samadhis find essence in one of the two methodologies cited above.Therefore, to understand the science of samadhi,it is imperative to throughly analyse these two methodologies or techniques of entering into samadhi.The two key elements which play an important an  important role  in both these techniques are 'atma-tattva' and 'prana-shakti'.Therefore,before we do an intensive analysis of the supreme state of samadhi,let's understand the concept of 'atma-tattva' and 'prana-shakti'.

Atma-tattva is the absolute or pure consciousness,seated at the spiritual heart of a human being i.e. the agyachakra (the subtle space of the Third Eye between the eyebrows),which is also known as hridayaguha in scriptural parlance.

For more details visit us: https://www.djfoundation.co/