Wednesday, February 24, 2016


Samadhi of Shridi

Unrest stormed through the length and breadth of shirdi.The villagers along with the police officials started pressurising for Sai's cremation.Even a pit was dug under a neem tree (the spot that was earlier fixed by sai for his last rites).In spite of all these forces,Mahalsapati stood determined.He said-'You all are Gravely mistaken.Sai is in Nirvikalpa Samadhi.He will come back soon.As per his prior instruction,we have to protect his body till he returns.'Steadfast on his stand,Mahalsapati singlehanedly guarded Sai's body and kept it protected and preserved.

At last,his faith proved victorious.After three days,suddenly, Sai's head that was resting in the lap of Mahalsapati showed some movement.Gradually his body started regaining consciousness.Different parts of his body now exhibited motion.His heartbeat resumed.Sai's face was radiant with glow once again.All signs of life were evident.Waves of happiness spread all over shridi.Even those who earlier denounced Sai's Samadhi now stood by his side and hailed in his honour.

Addressing his disciples,Adiguru Shankarachrya said-'In order to accomplish an important objective,I will have to renounce my physical body for some time.It would not just be crucial but also extremely beneficial for the society.I,therefore,leave the task of protection and preservation of my gross body to you all.

Shri Shankara Digvijaya

O disciples,look at the cave on that deserted land,which has a huge,flat rock lying in front of it.The place is annexed with a pond sprinkling with fresh water and is adorned on both sides with exquisite trees loden with fruits  

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Wednesday, February 17, 2016

The Lifeless or Clinically dead state in Samadhi

In the second technique of attaining the state of samadhi,the atma-tattva(soul or pure consciousness)along with the accumulating prana-shakti (life force) and the linga sharira (the subtle body), transcends the brahmrandhra (crown centre) and resorts to the outer cosmic space.

Are there any evidences from the annals of history that acknowledge the lifeless or clinically dead state in samadhi?

Indeed,the clinically dead condition of the body in the state of samadhi finds acknowledgement not just in history but also in philosophical and scriptural texts.To quote a few:

1)Historical Evidences-Flipping through the pages of history,we find numerous instances wherein the symptoms of lifelessness or clinical death are reflected in the state of samadhi of saints,yogies,and satgurus.For example-

a)samadhi of shridi Sai Baba
      Sai Baba entered into Nirvikalpa Samadhi by transcending his prana to outer cosmic space.His skin tone altered.At once,his eyeballs turned upwards and gradually got covered with eyelids.Instantly,Sai fell lifeless.His heartbeat stopped and all bodily functions came to a halt.It seemed as if his prana had left the body.Doctors declared his state as death due to an asthmatic attack. Narasimha Swami,a well-known biographer writes-'Even the color of sai's body turned livid.'

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Wednesday, February 10, 2016


Adiguru shankaracharya,together with his linga sharira (the subtle body vis a vis the five faculties of knowledge,the five faculties of action,the five pranaas,the mind and the intellect),raised his prana-shakti and linga sharira,he laft his gross body of through the brahmrandhra and entered the body  of the through his (king's) brahmrandhra making him animate gradually up till his toe

As,in this type of samadhi,the atma-tattva,the prana-shakti as well as the linga sharira leave the gross body completely;therefore,it is quite natural for all the biological processes in the body to come to a standstill.That's why when this state is gauged through the scientific instruments ,all readings come out to be nothing but nil.The pulse rate appears to be zero,the respiration rate is nill the pulse rate appears to be zero,the respiration rate is null,and the ECG and the EEG project a straight line.As a result,in such a condition,the body of the self -Released soul or a yogi who is in Samadhi appears to be lifeless/clinically dead.But a remarkable fact to be hoighlighted here is that when such elevated souls return from Samadhi,their terminated biological processes re again normalcy 

The above -mentioned references clearly assert that in the state of deep Samadhi,the  body of self-Reliased soul/yogi appears to be lifeless/clinically dead.thus,being oblivious to the estoteric realm of spirituality,the contempory scientific world declares the body of the self-Realised soul/yogi in samadhi as a dead body and his state of samadhi as of death.on the same lines,the doctors have designed His Holiness Ashutosh Maharaj Ji's divine state of samadhi as clinical death'.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Samadhi Hatha Yoga Pradeepika

Composed in the pure self and knowing the secret of the sushumna channel through the knowledge bestowed upon by the perfect master;When the seeker channelizes his prana-shakti through the sushumna and holds it at the brahmrandhra,the functions of his mind also come to a halt.

Consequently,all the processes regulated by the prana and the mind also come to a standstill.In this state,the body of the self-Reliased soul or yogi appears to be lifeless/clinically dead,implying a complete termination of all biological processes.

In the first techniques of assuming the state of samadhi,the atma-tattva(soul or pure consciousness)draws out the prana-shakti(life force) from each and every pore of the body and brings it at its own seat-the hridayagudha or agyachakra. There after,the atma-tattva transcends upwards from from the hridayanguha(agayachakra)and gets established at the brahmrandhra,also called as the sahasrara chakra(crown center).

Now let us take into consideration the second technique of attaining the state of samadhi.Here,the atma-tattva leaves the gross body.Along with the accumalated prana-shakti and the linga sharira(the stubtle body),the atma-tattva transcends the brahmrandhra,moves out and resorts to the outer cosmic space.

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